Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Top 10 Areas to Find Extra Money

Every client that I work with tells me the same story....I don't know where I can find an extra $50 or $100 a month. I can tell you at least 10 areas to look for extra money.

Number 1 - Phone
Have a look at your phone bill and see what you can cut out of your services. Do you really need 3-way calling? Phone companies change services every 6 months or so and bundle packages that make it more affordable - what they won't do is call you and tell you that you are paying much more for services. Renegotiate your phone bill every year.

Number 2 - Groceries
Never buy pre-cut anything. There is usually $2 per item premium on anything that is pre-cut. And baby carrots - are large carrots that they have cut down to be smaller - people baby carrots do not exist on the farmer's field!

Number 3 - Heating
Turn your thermostat down 1 degree - and see the difference. Also purchase a thermostat that you can program and at night turn it down to 60 degrees F. Studies have shown that at night your bedroom should be colder due to overheating and sleep interuption(your body's temperature actually goes down when you are sleeping).

Number 4 - Electricity
Purchase halogen bulbs where you can and turn off lights every time you leave the room (for more than 5 minutes that is). Unplug all power bars and charging equipment.

Number 5 - Gym Membership
When was the last time you were at the gym. If it was over 3 months ago put your membership on hiatus. You can purchase exercise dvd's for around $11 if you need to exercise.

Number 6 - Coffee
Okay, we all like our Starbucks, Tim Hortons, McDonalds coffee but if your coffee is costing you $2-4 a day cut it out. You can purchase a tin of coffee for roughly $8 which should last you a month - you do the math.

Number 7 - Brown Bag It
Making dinner - make lots for lunch the next day. If lunch is costing you $4+ a day then you need to brown bag it.

Number 8 - Cable Bill
Most of us have 300 or so channels that we never watch. If your cable bill is more than $30 a month cut out the excess!

Number 9 - Cell Phone
I understand that nowadays we all need a cell phone. If your package is costing you more than $35 you need to renegotiate.

Number 10 - Cash Withdrawals
Can you account for all the cash purchases that you make? 80% of people can't. This is the one biggest area where we can find extra money.

All this takes work but if you are really interested in finding money for a rainy day or for a special purchase, it can happen.

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