Monday, December 14, 2009


I read an interesting article in the national paper in Canada called the globe and mail this morning. 

The article, a holiday survival guide, was about buying used toys, be it a Goodwill, Salvation Army or any second hand store, for your tots instead of new toys, basically a new way to recycle and save money at the same time.

The article went on to say that kids don't really care where toys come from.  That to kids toys are toys are toys.  And furthermore, it states that most kids won't even notice that the toys are used.  And it really takes the sting out of buying a new toy for the holidays  and the novelty wears off in 24hrs and there goes your money.

What a novel idea, saving money and recycling for the planet!

To read the entire article go to

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My New (Okay not Really New) Finding

Okay, so it's not really new but I went grocery shopping today and stopped into the Bulk Food store.  

I have gone in many times but wasn't really aware of the enormous savings that could be found at the Bulk Food store.  I needed some Wheat Germ (to add to my yogurt) and purchased about 9oz or 300mL.  What would have cost me $5 at the grocery store cost me a WHOPPING $0.35.  I had to smile because I really could not believe my ears or eyes.

So guess, where I will be buying all my dry goods from now on. When was the last time you saved yourself that much money?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Going into the Weekend

Its that time of the week when we rejoice...its the weekend.  And with the weekend come shopping trips to grocery stores and the odd clothing or shoe store.

I challenge all of you to go into your favourite store, pick up things that interest you, look at prices and then walk out (this doesn't apply to the grocery store).

What will you notice?  I guarantee that when you walk out of that store, the sense you will have is of freedom.  A sense of, I am not tied to my material possessions and don't need to buy to feel good.

What else will you notice?  Granted not right away but more money in your wallet, visa, savings account etc.

The challenge is on.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Weekly Money Tip

All of us have been hit with this recession one way or another. Having said that most of us won't learn coming out of the recession. Here is one sure fire way to save more money.

35% of your net pay goes to a savings of some sort
45% goes to live (shelter, food, etc)
15% goes to you (entertainment, etc)
5% goes to charity

It really is that simple. It may be hard at first but you will figure out what you need to cut and what you don't as the months go by. Follow this simple equation and you will never have to worry about the long term.

Oh and if you need some help visit us at